Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lax, NYC, and back again

Lucky me, lucky you, or so my jeans say. Perhaps they are right on both counts; I've recently gotten some lax and a trip home under my belt and you dear reader get to see the pictures. Maybe I get the better half but then again I also have to deal with a crazy pedophiliac landlord (I will elaborate more on that later).

Anywho, two weekends ago the HiO lax squad and I headed down to Kristiansand to play in our first tournament. While we didn't do quite as well as I'd hoped, it was nevertheless a successful outing for the team where we snagged 2 wins and a draw with 2 losses. Those wins were in fact the first in team history so, awesome. I don't have any pictures of the games themselves yet (gotta grab them from another teammate) but I do have a couple afterparty ones that should entertain. Oh and the team colors are red and black. Yeeeeaaaaaa!

On the way down to Kristiansand we stopped to grab a bite. This is apaprently what they call "food". Looked like cowshit to me, but eh, too each their own.

These mysterious unlabelled white juice boxes were a gift from one of the players whose father is some sort of physical science researcher. He said they were untested protein drinks. Yeah. The contents were black. That being said, I did drink it. If that crap ends up giving me cancer i will be pissed.

Now afterparty, which involved nachspiel and some clubbin.

Hipster glasses and champagne chugging to start.

Then charming the nice young ladies.

And obviously finishing like this. These are college kids after all. Awesome factoid, that kid in the tux is the heir to the cheiftainship of an Ashanti tribe. I shit you not. He also always dresses in tails, gotta love it.

After the tourney I had to catch a 6.30 am redeye (drunk) out of Kristiansand into NYC for a work conference as well as to get in some friends and family time. Great success on both counts. The conference went swimmingly and the talk I gave has received a lot of positive feedback. More importantly it was awesome to be in NYC and I had a great time seeing friendly faces. I also had the pleasure of a particularly memorable dinner at Daniel which I won't soon forget, especially since I got to enjoy the delightful company of Hayley, Nick's girlfriend's friend.

That's not Daniel, but it is Hayley.

Other mementos of NYC.


The best pizza in the world and unlike in Norway, cut into pie slices instead of squares. Heathens.

It's getting close to bed time so I will save the landlord story for later. I'm also going skiing in Hemsedal this weekend, second largest resort in Norway, so I should have some pics and stories from that as well. For now I leave you with kitty pictures and snow tonight in Oslo.

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