Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Of Krauts and Kats

So it's been a lot longer than I realized since I last made a post here. Partly been quite busy and partly settled into a bit of a routine over here. Winter is coming into force (i.e. sunrise at 8, sunset at 4.30, ice cold temps, etc.), lax practice continues and work has been taking up more of my time. That's not to say I haven't been enjoying the surroundings (all work and no play make Seabass something something...), just nothing particularly post worthy. I've been dabbling in the restaurant scene, making Norwegian and Danish friends, going to more opera and even some travel for work.

So first off, we had our first snow here last week (October 21 to be exact).

This was from when I got out of Marriage of Figaro last thursday, a beautiful and pleasant surprise out on the stone walkways surrounding the operahouse.

More importantly, there is a new member to the family, my cat Clementine :)
I rescued her from a dude who's allergic girlfriend is moving in and if they couldn't find someone to take care of the cat they were going to kill it! I mean what the fuck?! Chick gets the sniffles and the cat has to die for it because they don't want to deal? I wasn't about to let that happen so I adopted her and that's that.

She's adorable and super friendly. Her coat is nice tiger stripes but she also has orange splotches all over her like someone spilled orange juice all over her. Hence Clementine instead of her old stupid name, Rosita. What is she, a Mexican housekeeper?

Now some random pictures from my business trip to Germany. In 3 days we hit up 4 cities and 5 companies including 3 of the 4 largest utility firms in the country. In my mind I thought that added up to 19 of awesomeness, but in reality it was just a ton of meetings and travelling. Didn't get a chance to really see any of the cities but here are some random pictures I collected.

I know that's kind of a jumble but let's just call it a stream of conscious replication of my trip experience. Yeah I'm gonna run with that.

Next on the schedule is our first lax tournament this weekend. I think we're gonna be in good shape and all the boys seem stoked. Pictures from that will definitely be up on here. Also I'm heading back to the states next week for another business trip and will be palling it up with all my old friends in NYC as well as visiting the family for a bit. Again pictures. Ok then that's all, I'm out.


  1. CONGRATULATION!!!!!!!!!! Clementine IS beautiful!! Good luck on tournament! Love you M

  2. you're a cat guy now?!?! scandinavia has turned you soft

  3. Whatever dude! All the cool Bond villains had cats...
